The home charging
reimbursement experts.
Accurate calculations & fast payments for EV fleets
MoveEV is a proud member of:

Public charging stations are unreliable, expensive, and time consuming
EV owners visiting a public station have problems charging
more expensive to use public chargers (vs. off-peak & lower rate
monthly hours per employee downtime lost to charging on-the-go

How We Can Help
ReimburseEV™ Home Charging Reimbursement
ReimburseEV™ software enables companies to accurately reimburse their employees for the real costs of charging EV fleet vehicles at home. Works with all vehicles and chargers.
CommuteEV™ Green Commuter Benefit Program
CommuteEV™ is a groundbreaking HR benefits program that rewards your employees for commuting to work in electric vehicles. Promote sustainable transportation and cut Scope 3 commuting emissions.
AdviseEV™ Fleet Electrification Planning
AdviseEV™ helps municipalities and corporations understand where their fleet is today and quantify the financial and carbon saving opportunities of sending vehicles home to charge.

What Our Clients Are Saying