Hey Municipalities,
We love you!

We built a special program to help you transition your fleet vehicles to electric and funnel federal and state money to your municipal employees and residents.

How Can MoveEV Help You?

Moving to Electric Vehicles is complicated. We make it simple. That’s why our motto is:

We do all the work, you save all the money!

We help municipalities make the switch to electric vehicles with a mix of software and support services. We don’t sell cars or chargers. We are your trusted advisors - part of your team helping you through the entire EV transition process.

ChecK Out Our Programs

  • Your municipality can get up to $557000 in grant funding for electric vehicles

    Grant Writing & Incentive Optimization

    There is so much federal, state, and local money available to help plan, purchase electric vehicles and install charging. Let us do the legwork for you and make sure you get everything you qualify for!

  • Fleet situation and options report flyer

    Fleet Options Report & Conversion Services

    See what’s possible for your fleet. We reveal areas for operational improvements, identify the profitable decarbonization opportunities, and then can help you manage the conversion.

  • Turnkey electric vehicle benefits flyer

    Help Your Employees / Residents

    The MyMoveEV app helps individuals switch to electric vehicles and save money with educational content, community building, and purchasing, charging, and reimbursement support.

Mayor Nicole Lachapelle of Easthampton

See What Our Clients Say!

Mayor Nicole LaChapelle

“Easthampton is committed to reducing our carbon footprint as fast as possible. New grants and programs are released every day. It is hard to keep up. With ongoing operations, the forms are technical and time-consuming. Our solution - MoveEV!”

Electric Vehicle Demo Days

“If you want to make sure every department is excited about EVs, this is the solution.”

“Our employees loved it! You can feel the excitement for EVs growing with every ride.”

“MoveEV was great to work with. They organized everything from the dealerships to donuts.”

Related Content

Fleet Forward
June 2, 2023

5 Reasons Cities Should Prioritize Electric Vehicle Adoption in 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs) offer a practical solution to mitigate the challenges posed by tailpipe emissions. Their adoption in urban settings has the potential to significantly improve air quality and enhance public health. MoveEV Co-Founder Kate Harrison explains.

New infographic and resource! Exciting news for our community - MoveEV has collaborated with the children’s health non-profit, Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF). Together, we aim to highlight the link between EV adoption, improved local air quality, and children’s wellbeing. Municipalities can play a pivotal role in creating a healthier environment for the younger generation by accelerating EV adoption. Our joint initiative offers a strategic 5-step plan to guide municipalities. This isn't just about transportation; it's about safeguarding our children's future. Dive deeper into this collaboration and access our detailed blueprint.

Discover the answers to the top 5 frequently asked questions about transitioning your municipal fleet to electric vehicles. Learn when to purchase EVs, assess their range capabilities, determine the most financially viable vehicles to replace first, choose between BEVs and PHEVs, and calculate the number of chargers needed. With insights on budget planning, vehicle suitability, cost savings, and charging infrastructure, this article provides a comprehensive guide to help municipalities begin to successfully navigate the electrification of their fleet operations.

We are mobility and electric vehicles experts here to help make moving to EVs easy. Plus, we are super fun! Call us today for a free consultation.

We Love to Talk!